功德台灣網 - GDTW

This website offers a completely free and ad-free service, solely to contribute 'GongDe' to Taiwan.

免費短網址 - Free Short URL

A secure two-step redirection short URL service.

免費圖片分享 - Free Image Share

Online image sharing service supporting JPG, PNG, GIF, and WEBP formats.

免費網址安全檢查 - Free URL Safety Check

透過Google Safe Browsing V4提供免費且快速的網址安全性檢查服務。
Provide free and fast URL safety checks through Google Safe Browsing V4.

開發中 - Work In Progress

Coming soon...

功德值統計區 - GongDe Value Statistics

Provides a statistical result of free services offered since the establishment of the site, allowing users to see how Taiwan GongDe has been accumulated.

聲明 - Statements

關於本站 - About Us

This website is a free open-source site based on learning and practicing front-end and back-end technologies. It aims to provide some free and useful small features.

使用條款 - Terms of Service

By using GDTW services, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to comply with these terms of service and all related policies.

聯絡我們 - Contact Us

This section provides all the contact methods for this site.