使用條款 - Terms of Service

Welcome to "GDTW" (hereinafter referred to as "this website"). By using GDTW services, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to comply with these terms of service and all related policies. If you have any questions or disagree with the terms, please do not use this website. The privacy policy of this website is designed to protect your personal rights, so please read the following content carefully:
1. 網站對外的超連結 - External Links
1-1. 本網站提供的外部連結,包括短網址服務,連接至的網站不受本網站隱私政策的保護,請您參閱該連結網站的隱私政策。
1-1. This website provides external links, including short URL services. The linked websites are not covered by this website's privacy policy. Please refer to the privacy policies of those linked websites.
2. 第三方服務 - Third-Party Services
2-1. 本網站使用的第三方網路服務均遵守各自的隱私權及數據使用政策,包含但不限於DDNS等網路服務。
2-1. Third-party network services used by this website comply with their respective privacy and data usage policies, including but not limited to DDNS and other network services.
3. 個人資料的蒐集、處理及利用方式 - Collection, Processing, and Utilization of Personal Data
3-1. 本網站將不會將您的個人資料用於本政策未說明的其他用途。
3-1. This website will not use your personal data for purposes not described in this policy.
3-2. 本網站僅會記錄服務建立者的IP和建立時間,不會記錄額外資訊。
3-2. This website will only record the IP and creation time of the service creator, without recording additional information.
3-3. 已建立服務的訪問者只會用於本站的總使用次數統計和本站個別服務的最後使用時間,不會記錄訪問者的IP或額外資訊。
3-3. Visits to established services will only be used for the site's total usage statistics and the last usage time of individual services on the site, without recording visitors' IPs or additional information.
3-4. 此類資料皆僅做為內部分析和改善用途,不會對外公開或出售。
3-4. Such data is only used for internal analysis and improvement purposes and will not be publicly disclosed or sold.
4. 使用者行為 - User Behavior
4-1. 使用者自行負責其發布、上傳的內容。本網站不對使用者的行為導致的任何形式損害承擔責任。
4-1. Users are responsible for the content they post or upload. This website is not liable for any damages resulting from user behavior.
5. 資料之保護 - Data Protection
5-1. 本網站採用適當的安全措施以防止資料遭到未授權的存取、揭露、修改或破壞。
6. 隱私權保護政策的適用範圍 - Scope of the Privacy Policy
6-1. 本隱私政策僅適用於本網站。它不適用於那些未由本網站管理或雇用的人員,或其他網站的連結。
6-1. This privacy policy only applies to this website. It does not apply to those not managed or employed by this website, or to other linked websites.
7. 隱私權保護政策之修正 - evisions to the Privacy Policy
7-1. 本網站隱私權保護政策將因應需求隨時進行修正,修正後的條款將刊登於網站上。
7-1. This website's privacy policy will be revised as needed. The revised terms will be published on the website.
8. 服務使用承諾 - Service Usage Commitment
8-1. 使用服務必須承諾將不會透過 GDTW 做任何違背侵害他人權益之事,並承諾遵守中華民國相關法規及一切使用網際網路之國際慣例。若非中華民國之國民,仍應同意遵守所屬國家或地域之法令。
8-1. Users must commit to not using GDTW to engage in any activities that infringe on others' rights and to comply with the relevant laws of the Republic of China and all international conventions on internet usage. Non-citizens of the Republic of China must also agree to comply with the laws of their respective countries or regions.
8-2. 不得透過其使用任何誹謗、侮辱、猥褻、不實等違反公共秩序及善良風俗或其他不法之文字、圖片或任何形式的檔案。
8-2. Users shall not use any defamatory, insulting, obscene, false, or otherwise unlawful text, images, or files that violate public order and good morals.
8-3. 不得侵害 GDTW 或他人之名譽、隱私權、著作權、智慧財產權及其他權利。
8-3. Users shall not infringe on the reputation, privacy, copyrights, intellectual property rights, and other rights of GDTW or others.
8-4. 不得散播電腦病毒。
8-4. Users shall not spread computer viruses.
8-5. 本站僅提供免費服務,使用者需自行承擔法律相關責任。
8-5. This site only provides free services, and users must bear any legal responsibilities related to their actions.
9. 重要聲明 - Important Statement
9-1. 本網站為公開免費服務,主要服務為短網址、線上圖庫等,本站對全部服務一律不負任何法律責任,請使用者自重。
9-1. This website provides public free services, primarily URL shortening, online galleries, etc. The website is not legally liable for any of these services. Users should act responsibly.
免責聲明 - Disclaimer
1. 「GDTW」(以下簡稱本站),已採取所有合理措施以確保本站功能之準確性和完整性。本網站對於任何使用或引用本站引致之損失或損害,概不負責。本網站亦有權隨時刪除、暫停或修改本網站提供之服務,以維護本網站之權益。
1. "GDTW" (hereinafter referred to as "this site") has taken all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the site's functions. The website is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from the use or reliance on the site. The website also reserves the right to delete, suspend, or modify the services provided by the website at any time to protect its interests.
2. 本站依現有設備及人力盡力做好網頁管理安全,但並無法保證網頁之絕對安全性或絕無瑕疵、失誤、病毒或其它惡意之程式(包括被其他暨第三人者惡意植入)。
2. This site does its best to manage page security with existing equipment and personnel but cannot guarantee absolute security or freedom from defects, errors, viruses, or other malicious programs (including those maliciously embedded by third parties).