圖片分享服務 - Image Share

點擊此區域選擇要上傳的圖檔 - Click this area to select the images to upload.

分享期限 (天) - Expiry Date (days):

NSFW (R15 & R18)

閱覽密碼 - Access Password (4-10 digits):

使用說明 - Instructions

點看詳細教學 - Click & Read Instructions
1. 本站支援單檔不超過25MB且格式為JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF/WEBP的檔案,且不會對圖檔進行任何壓縮處理。
2. 選擇想要上傳的單張或複數圖片(最大單次50張圖片),檔案都是自動依照檔名排序,不會受到其他因素影響。
3. 手動設定圖片存活時間/是否需要NSFW警告/設定閱覽密碼(空白表示無密碼)等選項,再按下上傳按鈕。預設方案是分享期限30天(最長60天)且無閱覽密碼和無NSFW警告。
4. 分享期限計算是以跨日為基準,比如說你在1/1的是早上或深夜上傳檔案並設定成分享期限為1天,檔案都會在隔日1/2凌晨一點後失效。
5. 本站提供的密碼設定僅防君子不防小人,請勿用於保護高敏感圖片。如有設定密碼請自行記好,站方不提供人工找回密碼服務。
6. 上傳成功的檔案無法自行手動刪除,如發現上傳錯誤或想修改,請重新上傳一次正確的圖片即可,所有超過閱覽期限的圖片本站都會自動銷毀,並不會另外保存。
7. 屬於R15或R18等級的圖片請務必遵守分級法規勾選NSFW選項,並建議使用加密功能保護。
8. 本服務是善意免費服務,站方已盡最大努力維持軟硬體運行狀態,但仍無法保證因軟硬體故障導致圖檔丟失,請務必自行保存原始圖片檔。另站方有權隨時視需求來調整圖片存活時間且不另行通知。
9. 使用本服務時就表示已同意本站的所有使用條款。

1. This site supports files no larger than 25MB in size and in JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF/WEBP formats, with no compression applied to uploaded images.
2. Select a single image or multiple images (up to 50 images per upload). Files are automatically sorted by filename and are not affected by any other factors.
3. Manually configure options such as image lifespan, whether an NSFW warning is required, or a viewing password (leave blank for no password), and then click the upload button. The default settings are a 30 days sharing period (up to 60 days), no viewing password, and no NSFW warning.
4. The sharing period is calculated on a daily basis. For example, if you upload a file on 1/1 in the morning or late at night and set the sharing period to 1 day, the files will expire after 1:00 AM on the following day, 1/2.
5. The password protection provided by this site is intended for basic privacy and should not be used for securing highly sensitive images. If you set a password, please remember it yourself, as the site does not offer a password recovery service.
6. Uploaded files cannot be manually deleted. If you find an error in the upload or want to make changes, simply re-upload the correct images. All images that exceed the sharing period will be automatically deleted and will not be retained.
7. Images classified as R15 or R18 must comply with rating regulations. Please ensure to select the NSFW option and consider using the encryption feature for protection.
8. This service is provided free of charge and in good faith. While the site makes every effort to maintain the operation of its hardware and software, it cannot guarantee against potential image loss due to hardware or software failures. Please be sure to keep a copy of your original images. The site also reserves the right to adjust image lifespans as necessary without prior notice.
9. By using this service, you agree to all terms of use outlined by the site.